Hungarian Electronic Signature Day logo

The Hungarian Association for Electronic Signature (MELASZ), INTEGRITY Ltd. and the Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), as well as the Council of Hungarian Internet Providers (ISZT) are launching the “Electronic Signature Day” event for establishing a new tradition. The idea came from the fact that Bill Clinton signed the U.S. Electronic Signature Act on June 30, 2000, so that day has been known as “ESIGN Day” in the United States.
The organizers goals are the following:

The presentations cover a historical overview of the electronic signature field as well as the legal and technological changes that have taken place in recent years. Current curiosities of electronic signatures are presented on this event every year, and an insight into the future solutions can also be gained.

One of the cornerstones of a trusted economy is the field of electronic authentication, electronic signing and sealing technologies. In these areas, we have numerous research and development, which ensure that electronic authentication procedures will be used continuously in everyday life in the future.

ESIGN Day - 27-28 June 2024

27-28 June 2024

SZTAKI, ISZT and MELASZ organised the regular eSignDay conference again this year, which was complemented (preceded) by the SZTAKI FraudPrevent conference.

The first day of the FraudPrevent conference focused on protection against online fraud.

The second day was the annual eSignDay. On this day, we heard interesting presentations on a number of topics, the main topics in abbreviations were eIDAS2, EDIW (Wallet), eING, DORA, MICA, NIS2.


ESIGN Day - 27-28 June 2024

ESIGN Day - 30 June 2023

ESIGN Day - 30 June 2022

ESIGN Day - 30 June 2021


Hungarian Association for Electronic Signature (HAES/MELASZ)


Council of Hungarian Internet Providers (CHIP/ISZT)

Institute for Computer Science and Control (ICSC/SZTAKI)

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