Hungarian Electronic Signature Day logo

The Hungarian Association for Electronic Signature (MELASZ), INTEGRITY Ltd. and the Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), as well as the Council of Hungarian Internet Providers (ISZT) are launching the “Electronic Signature Day” event for establishing a new tradition. The idea came from the fact that Bill Clinton signed the U.S. Electronic Signature Act on June 30, 2000, so that day has been known as “ESIGN Day” in the United States.
The organizers goals are the following:

The presentations cover a historical overview of the electronic signature field as well as the legal and technological changes that have taken place in recent years. Current curiosities of electronic signatures are presented on this event every year, and an insight into the future solutions can also be gained.

One of the cornerstones of a trusted economy is the field of electronic authentication, electronic signing and sealing technologies. In these areas, we have numerous research and development, which ensure that electronic authentication procedures will be used continuously in everyday life in the future.

ESIGN Day - 30 June 2023

30 June 2023

Morning Programs

Start End Presenter Organization Topic Summary
9:00 9:10 Ferenc, dr. Kósa MELASZ Welcome The President of MELASZ welcomes the participants to the conference.
9:10 9:20 Pál Ormos Institute for Computer Science and Control Welcome Pál Ormos gives a welcome speech on behalf of SZTAKI.
9:20 9:30 Tibor Dravecz Council of Hungarian Internet Providers Welcome Tibor Dravecz gives a welcome speech on behalf of the ISZT.
Start End Presenter Organization Topic Summary
9:30 10:00 Boglárka Pándi NISZ Practical experience of eGovernment developments, future development directions In the presentation we will present the electronic (personal) identification, authentication, electronic delivery and administration solutions provided by NISZ Zrt. and their practical experiences, as well as the ongoing developments.
10:00 10:30 László Péter, Szegfű MNB Electronic literacy in the financial sector The possibilities of literacy in the financial sector, including current changes
10:30 11:00 Anna Király SZTFH Trust services in the light of the Cybersecurity Certification Act An overview of the obligations for fiduciary services in the context of the Cyber Certification Act.
11:00 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 11:35 Ferenc, dr. Kósa MELASZ The pillars of electronic administration The three necessary prerequisites for electronic administration (identification, authentication, delivery) in practice
11:35 11:55 Áron Szabó MELASZ What we currently know about the eIDAS wallet... The eIDAS 2 is still being developed, but we can see the directions from the drafts. The presentation will focus on the EUDI Wallet out of these changes, trying to show what can be expected.
11:55 12:15 András, dr. Csiky Jambrik Ügyvédi Iroda Status of NIS 2 implementation The presentation will provide information on the creation and current status of the NIS2 Directive.
12:15 12:35 Tamás Szabó Id&Trust Kft. (GoodID) The evolution of electronic signature in Hungary, from SSCD to EUDI Wallet

In the first half of the presentation, the evolution of electronic signatures through legislative changes and standards will be presented, and in the second half, the benefits of advanced signatures will be explained.

12:35 12:55 Tamás Paulik Microsec The trust provider's options for identification

The presentation will showcase the identification capabilities of trust service providers in Hungary, including Microsec's eID Kiosk project, where customers can obtain a free certificate in minutes using the eSecurity identification feature in a self-service manner.

12:55 13:45 Lunchbreak

Afternoon Programs

Start End Presenter Organization Topic Summary
13:45 14:05 Viktor Varga Microsec Attribute certificates - Theory and practice The presentation will cover the state of standardisation in the attribute field and what the use of attribute certificates looks like in practice.
14:05 14:25 Zsolt Rózsahegyi (i4p), Trident HSM MPC in the HSM The Trident HSM is the first in the world to support multi-party cryptography, as will be demonstrated in the presentation.
14:25 14:45 Imre, Dr. Dósa MBH From identification to preservation The dilemmas of electronic connections in practice. What do we encounter? What are the main issues?
14:45 15:05 Tibor, ifj. Lengyel ePost Electronic delivery with authenticity ePostOffice is Hungary's first qualified delivery service provider. This presentation describes the services and operations of the TSP.
15:05 15:25 Péter Jámbor Netlock Latest research trends vs. Practice The presentation will show how trends and development directions can be identified from a mass textual analysis of different publications.
15:25 15:35 Coffee break
15:35 15:55 Márton Isó Microsec V2X PKI - message authentication for intelligent transport The presentation will introduce you to V2X-PKI by presenting the most basic information.
15:55 16:15 Ferenc Kővári MELASZ What does an e-signature look like? (or: misconceptions about the visible signature) From a practical point of view, the problems with the client-side interpretation of electronic signatures and the problems with the image of the signature that clients think it is.
16:15 16:30 Dr. Sándorné Bánhidi, Head of Adult Education and Dr. Péter Máté Erdősi, Head of the Electronic Administration Workshop ISZE/EÜM Electronic administration in the adult education activities of the ISZE and the results of the MTA Alumni programme in secondary schools Presentation of the results of the ISZE Adult Education Programme and the MTA Alumni Programme in the field of electronic signature promotion.


Hungarian Association for Electronic Signature (HAES/MELASZ)


Council of Hungarian Internet Providers (CHIP/ISZT)

Institute for Computer Science and Control (ICSC/SZTAKI)

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